Mill Hollow Christmas Tree Farm
in Oakhurst, Texas.
A Texas Christmas tree farm for families with children of all ages. It is located 75 miles north of Houston in the forested hills near Lake Livingston. Thousands of shaped and fragrant Virginia pine and beautiful Leyland cypress trees are available for your family to select and cut for your own special Christmas tree.
Schedule of Events-2000
October Outing Festival - Last two weekends in October (Details)
Free Church and School Group Day-Sunday, November 19 (RSVP required)
Christmas Tree Selection and Cutting - Thanksgiving Friday and every Saturday and Sunday till Christmas from 10:00 A.M. to dusk. (Details in Trees and Activities)
Mill Hollow Moonlight Selection and Cut - Friday night, December 1. (Details)
For more information on Mill Hollow Christmas Tree Farm, check out -
Directions to the farm including a Map
Activities for the family including food available
Christmas Tree Prices and Tree Services available
Reunions, Parties and Church and School Group Use of Mill Hollow
Questions, Comments or just want to say "Hello", this is how to contact us.
You are visitor number
since April 11, 1999